Monday, June 6, 2011

The Story of The Stone

On Sunday I was visiting Gabby at the cemetery. I took her a beautiful boquet of crazy daisies and sat next to her marker. The cemetery must have recently cut grass because there was some grass covering her marker. I gently took my hand and swept the grass off and was telling her the whole time, not to worry, that I would clean it up. Once all the grass was removed, I continued talking to Gabby. As I was talking to her, I was taking my pointer finger and was outlining the balloons and teddy bear on her marker. I was telling her how much I missed her and there wasn't a day that went by where I didn't think of her. I briefly removed my finger from her marker, looked up to the sky and told her that I loved her very much and that I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to deal with her loss. As I looked back down, I immediately saw this beautiful stone. It appeared in the same spot that I was outlining with my pointer finger. I immediately picked it up and grasped my hand tightly around it as I placed it next to my heart.

When you lose someone as close to you as a child, I have found that there are two things that keep me going. These two things are the belief that I know someday I will be reunited with her, and the other is believing that somehow, until we are reunited, she will always be near me. I can't be for sure if that stone was a coincidence or if perhaps it may have been a sign, but all I can say is that it is the small things like that in which keeps me going.

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