Friday, October 1, 2010

My Very First Surgery

Hi Everyone,
It has been an eventful couple of weeks. On September 20, 2010 I was admitted to Cincinnati Children's Hospital. I was admitted to the hospital so I could get some IV antibiotics to clear me of a UTI infection I had. I needed to be free of my infection so I could get my shunt surgery to help relieve some of the extra fluid on my head. Well after five long days in the hospital they allowed me to go home. I was able to go home because they had put a picc line in that allows me to get my antibiotics at home. So on Friday September, 25, 2010 I was able to go back home with my family. things went well until 4 am on Saturday. I woke up mommy because she heard me having severe spasms in my bed. She got up like she usually does and gave me my Valium. Usually, my Valium works, but not this time. Mommy and Daddy got really scared because I also had a fever. Mommy called 911 and they were there within seconds. They had to give me Versed in the ambulance because they thought I was seizing and couldn't stop. By the time I got to the hospital I had a temp of 104, my heart was beating way to fast and I was in shock. They had to take me to the trauma unit where there were so many medical doctors working on me. I was scared and I know mommy and daddy was too. They got me in stable condtion and I was taken to a room in the ER where they would keep me until I was admitted. Those silly doctors in the ER put an IV in my head and it popped and my skin started filling up with saline. Daddy looked at me and he saw that my whole face was swollen. I looked so funny for almost two days until the swelling went down.

Well after I got admitted they ran all sorts of test on me. They thought that I had Meningitis, Encephalitis, or Sepsis because my white blood cell count was 35 and my high fever. By the next day I was doing much better. They weren't sure what was wrong with me but they said that if it was the three things that they suspected that I would not get better that quickly. The doctors just think that my body does strange things when I am under stress or not feeling too well.

It is now October 1, 2010 and I am still in the hospital. Today, I went in for my shunt surgery but when they had me back in OR they noticed I had a yeast infection on my neck. The doctor was too afraid to do the surgery do to risk of infection. Instead, he placed a resevoir inside my head so he can go in and drain fluid as necessary. He was able to take 20 cc's of fluid off and boy was that a relief. I am hoping to be back home with fmy family by Monday October 3, 2010. Thanks to all my family and friends who always pray for me. I love you all.

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